Page 85 - Schooley Mitchell Discovery Day
P. 85

 SMARRT Franchisee Feedback
Treigh Hubbard
Absolutely I would recommend the SMARRT Relationship Builder. Why take on something that you don’t have to. I don’t have the time to recreate the wheel and why should I when it already works.
Adam Baker
100 percent recommend the SMARRT Relationship Builder. Often, we are so focused on client acquisition that we forget about the other stuff. Franchisees need the SMARRT Relationship Builder for the same reason companies need Schooley Mitchell.
Jim Lichtenberg
You do an excellent job. I just had a fact finding with one of my clients and he was gushing about how we treat them. After you guys did the posts last week, I received two glowing emails. You and your team are absolutely top notch and I appreciate the work.
William McKissock
I would always recommend the SMARRT Relationship Builder. It’s a really good way of keeping in touch with clients without having to do anything.
 Discovery Day

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