
Personal Goals Review

Family, Independence & Stability

In Schooley Mitchell, you have the freedom to make your own decisions and create your own success. You decide whether you want to pass your business along to a family member. You decide which direction your business goes to be successful. You decide when and how you want to retire. The power is in your hands.

4) Build an asset that can be passed on to family – Exit Strategy

While a Schooley Mitchell Franchise can be built into a strong saleable asset, it can also be passed on to family members if that’s how you want to transition your business. This differentiates Schooley Mitchell from a regular job, in which you earn an income but have no asset to pass on at the end of the day.

In Schooley Mitchell, there are two main methods of bringing a family member into the business.

Method one is to transfer the business to the family member when you wish to leave outright. This can be achieved through any payment method you desire – nothing, full value paid, payment based on a schedule from future revenues, or any combination you wish.

On the other hand, many people see the business as an opportunity to bring a family member in as a participating member while you are still active in the Franchise. Again, the business allows for the family member to be trained at any time and enter the business as a part-time or full-time participant. That way, the skills that are necessary to run a successful Schooley Mitchell business can be learned and nurtured on whatever schedule makes sense to you. Full training and support are provided via head office to help with these goals.

5) Answer to yourself each day as opposed to answering arbitrarily to a boss

It can be frustrating to rely on decisions and directions from someone above you in the pecking order. Even if you have a good boss that seems to communicate well, that boss will move on at some point and the scenario changes. Whether it’s a single boss, a committee, other shareholders or a board, things change and the result can be painful and frustrating.

Even if things are acceptable today, they may not be tomorrow.

Obviously, owning your own Schooley Mitchell business provides you with all the decision-making authority in a very autonomous business. Yet you are not left alone to figure things out yourself. You also have the guidance and support of very experienced head office personnel, as well as a great network of Franchisees. It’s like you have your own staff of experts in all areas of your business to support you – and yet, you are not subject to a frustrating, illogical, or demanding decision-making process.

Many people have changed jobs or positions and gone from one bad situation to another. Owning a business eliminates this issue. Your time is your time, your strategies and ideas are your own, and your results are for you and nobody else.

6) Create stability for retirement in the future

Many people cite their lack of faith in existing pension plans as a reason to create their own retirement value. Many people are frustrated with the amount of retirement nest egg they can create for themselves through employment. Many people are fearful that they may lose their position as they get closer to retirement and will not be in a comfortable situation to retire.

Owning a Schooley Mitchell business puts each Franchisee in full control of these outcomes. You retire when you want to retire – when you have accumulated the income that is appropriate, and when you have built the asset to the value you want.

Nobody else makes those decisions but you. Every client creates ongoing residual income and represents an asset that can be liquidated upon exit. You decide when and if you want to cash in.

We have all heard stories about people who are less employable as years go by, or are forced to work in environments well below their capabilities in order to build the retirement they desire or need. A Schooley Mitchell Franchise mitigates all those issues.

You are also in control of your own retirement funds and aren’t dependent on decisions made by others that are difficult for you to understand.